Cutie Of The Week:

Create an Account

Register for an account. Once you’ve created an account on the site, you can enter your baby in the contest to win cash & prizes.

Enter The Contest

So now you’ve created a free account on the site and you’re ready to enter the contest.  All you need to do now is upload your baby’s 4 cutest photos and tell the world how wonderful your baby is with a brief intro.  Does your baby love to be hugged?  Is he or she a charmer? 

Get Those Votes!

Share your baby’s contest page with your friends and family and on Social Media sites and ask them to vote for your precious baby.  Each registered user can vote once per day, and they can also purchase and donate votes to help you win. A portion of the proceeds from purchased, donated votes benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. So, enter the contest and upload those adorable photos!